The Memorial of the White Terror is a tall pillar designed modernly, standing on a pool of water, surrounded by a white marble tablet. From 1949 - 1987 Taiwan was under a 40 year rule of Martial Law. And those who stood up for what they thought was right: for humanity, for natural rights, and for democracy, were arrested and killed mercilessly with their homes destroyed. It shattered families and put Taiwan into a state of a 40 year nightmare. The authoritarian government committed horrifying human rights violations and put hundreds of lives into martyrdom.
However, with years of struggling, the authoritarian government dissolved, and democracy was established. And the new government of Taiwan vowed to never do this again. Democratic nations vow to uphold peace with a foundation of human rights and social justice. Just recently, the Memorial Committee for the Political Victims of the White Terror built this memorial as a reminder of history, and how its lessons can be used for the future.
The second memorial I came upon that day was in the 2/28 Memorial Peace Park, which was situated in very close proximity to the White Terror Memorial. In relation, it is another memorial of the White Terror, but this one exhibits a closer look into the matter.
As Japanese rule over Taiwan ended in 1945, the government was given to the authoritarian government. During this time, Taiwan was suffering from a serious inflation, causing unemployment, rising prices, and a series of crimes. Rice had inflated to 400 times its original price by 1947. Any goods that were produced were shipped off to mainland China to gain a profit, furthering shorting the Taiwanese of goods. Workers were stripped of their jobs. And the ROC military was in no order to keep peace, as the soldiers were un-orderly and corrupt, looting the people and causing havoc everywhere.
On February 27, 1947, a Taipei patrol went to confiscate some contraband cigarettes. Furthermore, they took the cigarettes, the life savings of the person who had them, and cracked the person's skull. As they fled, they shot into the crowd nearby, killing a bystander.
On February 28, 1947, the Taiwanese marched to the capital building protesting and demanding justice. However, the authoritarian government responded by massacring the crowd with massive firepower, killing 10's of thousands of people. This began the time of "The White Terror."
Thinking about these memorials, and those horrible times, how is it possible that this even happened? How does power and the desire to control corrupt people? Don't people feel that pain in their heart? And how do those of a "right" heart defend themselves? Just to think of all those people suffering, knowing fully well of the risks, and yet still fighting for what they truly believe in. That's magical. That's admirable. That's amazing.
Yet, even today there is something which is not honorable. As I was leaving the area for the day, I noticed a procession of people advancing towards the Presidential building. A small truck led the way with megaphones, and a long line of people with signs followed behind. Of course I went to see what was happening. They made their way up to about a city block away from the building, but the police had surrounded them with barricades, and stood around them, keeping them from getting out of order. Ahead of the procession was a squad of policemen, ready to act if anything happened.
As I got into the crowd, I noticed that this was no ordinary crowd. It was a protest, a protest for the rights of the disabled. Many of these people were deaf and/or in wheelchairs. I saw one man with a breathing problem, as he was carrying around tanks of oxygen and nearly tangled in tubes. One person shouted, another translated into sign language, and the crowd would shake their hands (in sign language, the shaking of hands is their way of applauding).
Soon enough, a man with a distorted face with his head wrapped in bandages began a demonstration. Photographers stood by ready to take pictures. Some guys in wheelchairs wheeled up there, and amazing, got out of their chairs and stood on their hands, showing amazing upper body strength. They can do something, something amazing! I guess that was what they were trying to say.
Of course, the only red head around for miles was definitely noticed, and people wanted me to take their picture and their signs. Even one person gave me her information! Haha.
And of course, it was a cloudy, cold, and rainy day, making the scene even more dramatic. These people standing in those conditions, protesting for rights. :( I asked my friend about this protest, and he said that he didn't have any idea that it happened. He also told me that the gay pride parade, the biggest one in Asia, which happened in Taipei, was not even broadcasted in the local news. He said that minority groups don't get the recognition they deserve.
That made me really sad, and disappointed. I can't even describe how much pain I feel for those who suffered, and for those who can't be heard. If democracies stand up for social justice and human rights, as the memorials say, then why don't these people even have a whisper heard? What is happening? That day made me realize: I want to work for humanitarian efforts. I want to help people become the best they can be, and fight for what is right. Look at what those hard-willed people achieved in the past. Hopefully, those same willed people can achieve even more.
Here's a little of what it was like:
I'm so proud of you.